Page 7 - Cromo Memorial Prayer Cards
P. 7

818-547-1390             One night I dreamed I was walking along  One night I dreamed I was walking along

                        One night I dreamed I was walking along
             One night I dreamed I was walking along
        Instructions for use and preparation of Religious Ceremonial greeting cards: 1) Load card sheets in  printer tray. 2) Transfer deceased information on the template or incorporate into your computer program.  3) Check first copy to insure correct alignment. 4) Make desired number of cards. 5) Fold cards two  times - to the front / then the back and separate cards. 6) Save template / computer information and include  in customer file for possible future use. 7) Place Greeti
                                    the beach with the Lord. Scenes from my
                                               the beach with the Lord. Scenes from my
                        the beach with the Lord. Scenes from my
             the beach with the Lord. Scenes from my
                                               life flashed across the sky. In each, I
             life flashed across the sky. In each, I
                                    life flashed across the sky. In each, I
                        life flashed across the sky. In each, I
             noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes
                        noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes
                                    noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes
                                               noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes
                                               there were two sets of footprints;
                        there were two sets of footprints;
                                    there were two sets of footprints;
             there were two sets of footprints;
                                               other times there was only one.
                                    other times there was only one.
                        other times there was only one.
             other times there was only one.
                                    life I could see only one set of footprints,
                                               life I could see only one set of footprints,
             life I could see only one set of footprints,
                        life I could see only one set of footprints,
             so I said, “Lord, you promised me,
                                    so I said, “Lord, you promised me,
                        so I said, “Lord, you promised me,
                                               so I said, “Lord, you promised me,
                                    that you would walk with me always.
                                               that you would walk with me always.
                        that you would walk with me always.
             that you would walk with me always.
                                               Why, when I have
             Why, when I have
                        Why, when I have
                                    Why, when I have
                        needed you most,
                                    needed you most,
             needed you most,
                                               needed you most,
             would you leave me?”
                                               would you leave me?”
                        would you leave me?”
                                    would you leave me?”
                                    The Lord replied, “My precious child,
                        The Lord replied, “My precious child,
                                               The Lord replied, “My precious child,
             The Lord replied, “My precious child,
             I love you and would never leave you.
                                               I love you and would never leave you.
                                    I love you and would never leave you.
                        I love you and would never leave you.
             The times when you
                                    The times when you
                        The times when you
                                               The times when you
                        have seen only one set
             have seen only one set
                                               have seen only one set
                                    have seen only one set
                                               of footprints, it was
                                    of footprints, it was
             of footprints, it was
                        of footprints, it was
             then that I
                                    then that I
                        then that I
                                               then that I
                        carried you.”
                                    carried you.”
                                               carried you.”
             carried you.”
                        One night I dreamed I was walking along
             One night I dreamed I was walking along
                                    One night I dreamed I was walking along
                                               One night I dreamed I was walking along
                                    the beach with the Lord. Scenes from my
             the beach with the Lord. Scenes from my
                                               the beach with the Lord. Scenes from my
                        the beach with the Lord. Scenes from my
                                    life flashed across the sky. In each, I
             life flashed across the sky. In each, I
                                               life flashed across the sky. In each, I
                        life flashed across the sky. In each, I
             noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes
             there were two sets of footprints;
                                               there were two sets of footprints;
                                    there were two sets of footprints;
                        there were two sets of footprints;
                                               other times there was only one.
             other times there was only one.
                                    other times there was only one.
                        other times there was only one.
             During the lowest times of my
                        During the lowest times of my
                                    During the lowest times of my
                                               During the lowest times of my
                                    life I could see only one set of footprints,
             life I could see only one set of footprints,
                        life I could see only one set of footprints,
                                               life I could see only one set of footprints,
                                    so I said, “Lord, you promised me,
                                               so I said, “Lord, you promised me,
             so I said, “Lord, you promised me,
                        so I said, “Lord, you promised me,
             that you would walk with me always.
                                    that you would walk with me always.
                        that you would walk with me always.
                                               that you would walk with me always.
             Why, when I have
                                               Why, when I have
                                    Why, when I have
                        Why, when I have
             needed you most,  noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes   noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes   noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes   © CROMO N.B.
                        needed you most,
                                               needed you most,
                                    needed you most,
             would you leave me?”  would you leave me?”  would you leave me?”  would you leave me?”   Printed in Italy
           © CROMO N.B.
          Printed in Italy
             The Lord replied, “My precious child,  The Lord replied, “My precious child,  The Lord replied, “My precious child,  The Lord replied, “My precious child,
        CROMO N.B.  FOOTPRINTS  8 UP  8-FP  The times when you  The times when you  The times when you  The times when you  CROMO N.B.  VERITAS  8 UP  8-VER
                        I love you and would never leave you.
                                               I love you and would never leave you.
             I love you and would never leave you.
                                    I love you and would never leave you.
                                    have seen only one set
             have seen only one set
                                               have seen only one set
                        have seen only one set
                                    of footprints, it was
                                               of footprints, it was
             of footprints, it was
                        of footprints, it was
                        then that I
                                               then that I
             then that I
                                    then that I
                                               carried you.”
             carried you.”
                                    carried you.”
                        carried you.”
           8FP • Footprints                                      8VER • Veritas
                                                              Instructions for use and preparation of Religious Ceremonial greeting cards: 1) Load card sheets in  printer tray. 2) Transfer information on the template or incorporate into your computer program.  3) Check first copy to insure correct alignment. 4) Make desired number of cards. 5) Fold cards two  times - to the front / then the back and separate cards. 6) Save template / computer information and include  in customer
                                                              CROMO N.B.  series  PIETA 2  Printed in Italy  © CROMO N.B.  Religious Greeting Cards
           8PTA1 • Pieta 1 Assorted Subjects          who        8PTA2 • Pieta 2 Assorted Subjects
                                                                       The Bread
                                                                       The Bread
       Instructions for use and preparation of Religious Ceremonial greeting cards: 1) Load card sheets in  printer tray. 2) Transfer deceased information on the template or incorporate into your computer program.  3) Check first copy to insure correct alignment. 4) Make desired number of cards. 5) Fold cards two  times - to the front / then the back and separate cards. 6) Save template / computer information and include  in customer file for possible future use. 7) Place Greetin
                                                                        of God
                                                                        of God
                                                                                              O Jesus,
                                                                                              O Jesus,
                                                                       is that which
                                                                       is that which
                                                                                              eternal Priest,
                                                                                              eternal Priest,
                                                                       comes down
                                                                       comes down
                                                                                             You have kindled
                                                                                             You have kindled
                                         the one
                                                                       from heaven
                                                                       from heaven
                                                                                   the Cross be
                                                                                   the Cross be
                                                                                              in the world
                                                                       and gives
                                                                       and gives
                                                                                   the source
                                                                                   the source
                                                                                              a flame that
                                                                                              a flame that
                                                                                                           is my light
                                                                                                           is my light
                                                                                   of your
                                                                                   of your
                                                                                               will not be
                                                                                               will not be
                                                                                                            and my
                                                                                                            and my
                                                                      to the world.
                                          of my
                                                                                  and the secret
                                                                                                           Whom shall
                                                                                   of your
                                                                                   of your
                                                                                                 (JOHN XXIII)
                                                                          (JOHN 6,33)
                                                                                                            I fear?
                                                                                                            I fear?
                                                                                                             (THE PSALMS)
                                                                                    I have
                                                                                    I have
                                                                                   chosen you
                                                                                   chosen you
                   is my
                                                                                   and have
                                                                                   and have
                                                                      O most blessed
                                                                                  appointed you
                                                                                                         ...My Flesh
                                                                                   that you
                                                                                   that you
                                                                       shine within
                                                                       shine within
                                                                                                          is food
                                                                                                          is food
                                                                                   should go
                                                                                   should go
                                                                       the hearts
                                                                       the hearts
                  my hope
                                                                                  and bear fruit,
                                                                                  and bear fruit,
                                                                        of your
                                                                        of your
                                                                                                         and My Blood
                                                                                                         and My Blood
                                                                                                o Lord
                                                                                                o Lord
                                                                                   and that
                   and        is our     conquered   lies our         O most blessed  appointed you  Will Your  ...My Flesh
                                                                                   and that
                                                                                                          is drink
                                                                                                          is drink
          © CROMO N.B.
                                                                                                is our
                                                                                   your fruit   is our
                                                                                   your fruit
                                                                © CROMO N.B.
           Printed in Italy
                  my end     Salvation    death      Salvation   Printed in Italy  FOR PENTECOST)  should remain.  peace.  indeed.
                                                                                  should remain.
        CROMO N.B.  SHADOW  8 UP  8-SHA                      CROMO N.B.  LITURGICAL  8 UP  8-LIT  (JOHN 15,16)  (ST. GREGORY )  (JOHN 6,56)
      6    8SHA • Shadow                                         8LIT • Liturgical
                              ©2019 CROMO N.B. MILAN ITALY All Rights Reserved. Images Licensed By CNB Basevi Inc.
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