Page 12 - Cromo Memorial Prayer Cards
P. 12


       Instructions for use and preparation of Religious Ceremonial greeting cards: 1) Load card sheets in  printer tray. 2) Transfer deceased information on the template or incorporate into your computer program.  3) Check first copy to insure correct alignment. 4) Make desired number of cards. 5) Fold cards two  times - to the front / then the back and separate cards. 6) Save template / computer information and include  in customer file for possible future use. 7) Place Greetin

       CROMO N.B.  Guardian Angel  8 UP  Printed in Italy  8-GA3  © CROMO N.B.  CROMO N.B.  Guardian Angel  8 UP  Printed in Italy  © CROMO N.B.  8-GA8

           8GA3 • Guardian Angel Crossing Bridge                 8GA8 • Guardian Angel On Boat

       Instructions for use and preparation of Religious Ceremonial greeting cards: 1) Load card sheets in  printer tray. 2) Transfer information on the template or incorporate into your computer program.  3) Check first copy to insure correct alignment. 4) Make desired number of cards. 5) Fold cards two  times - to the front / then the back and separate cards. 6) Save template / computer information and include  in customer file for possible future use. 7) Place Greeting Cards i

        CROMO N.B.  RESURRECTION  8 UP  Printed in Italy  © CROMO N.B.  8-AR

           8AR • Angel Resurrection                              8GA5 • Guardian Angel with Baby

           8GA7 • Guardian Angel                                 8GA9 • Angel                                      11
                              ©2022 CROMO N.B. MILAN ITALY All Rights Reserved. Images Licensed By CNB Basevi Inc.
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